HUG Corner: Thought for the Week 9/11/17

September 11, 2017

Healing After Loss (Martha Whitmore Hickman)

“Faith is a way of waiting – never quite knowing, never quite hearing or seeing, because in the darkness we are all but a little lost. There is doubt hard on the heels every belief, fear hard on the heels of every hope.”

– Frederick Buechner

We recognize ourselves here – “all but a little lost.” Because we can never really be sure for long that the particulars of our faith, our hope, are what we would like to believe they are. But not quite lost, either. Because as sunshine follows rain follows sunshine, faith, as it waits, moves from confidence into doubt into confidence again. So, in a comforting solidarity with the rest of the waiting faithful, we make our conjectures, hope our hopes.

And every once in a while some minor miracle of insights and confidence, some serendipity with no explanation other than grace, renews us, and we are willing to relinquish our need to know the details. Instead, we trust that all shall be well.

I will wait in faith, trusting that One I cannot know, knows and cares for me.
